Acufast Utility Needle Bin –A utility bin that makes loading needles super easy.

Since the creation of the Acufast Earth Friendly Needle and its industry first accessories to control bulk needles, we have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback.

Practitioners have shared the various ways they use the Acubase and Acuclip to manage their style of needling. Everyone is just so pleased that dropped, or contaminated needles, is mostly a thing of the past.

Previously in the training section on our site, we showed how to use the metal strips that come with the Acubase to create a convenient needle tray. Our first configuration allows for the easy movement of needles around the clinic.

This configuration made sense, if the practitioner was taking the clip from the tray, pulling needles on the fly during treatment, then bringing the clip and tube back to the tray for secure placement when they switched sizes.  Using the Acuclip during treatments can be seen in the following photo.

Then last week, I got a call from Sean, a clinic owner saying it would be great if we could get a tray that allowed for the Acubase and Acuclip to be positioned with the handles vertical. In this configuration, practitioners could just easily pull needles from the clip or directly load the tube with a needle from the clip. It seemed like a great idea, but where to get the tray? A few days later, Sean called back saying that he thinks he found a good solution using a tray from Ikea called a “Variera Box”. Well, it just so happened that I had one here in our display room! After thanking him, I went straight to figuring out how to create a working example. After a few tries I came up with a  compact needle bin, that held 4 commonly used sizes, houses a cool magnetic used needle tray, a recyclable waste tray and a smaller bin for extra needles and swabs to use on the fly.

This very convenient needle bin makes working with bulk needles super easy and convenient. Once you have it set up in the morning, you can load needles, control your waste, and replenish needles on the fly. It is small enough to place on the treatment table or on a small cart beside the table. Plus, it is all contained and easy to move from treatment room to treatment room. This is also a great way for community Acupuncture clinics to take their needles around the treatment area and manage their waste.

The above configuration  is just how I set mine up, but of course, you will come up with your own configuration to meet your needling style. For complete DIY instructions and a short video see our training section to make one for your clinic!

Remember using Acufast needles not only reduces your clinic carbon footprint, every two boxes of needles result in a tree being planted! Thanks for being part of the change!

PS. Thanks to Sean Campbell at Cypress Physio for sharing his ideas helping our needling community to come up with effective ways using bulk needles and reducing waste

About the Author: John Stan
John Stan is the founder and co-owner of Eastern Currents Ltd., the Vancouver Canada based manufacturer of the Acufast needles. Eastern Currents is also an importer and national distributor of acupuncture/natural heath products. John is also a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine with over 30 years of experience.

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