About John Stan

John Stan est le fondateur et copropriétaire de Eastern Currents Ltd, le fabricant des aiguilles Acufast, basé à Vancouver, au Canada. Eastern Currents est également importateur et distributeur national de produits d'acupuncture et de santé naturelle. John est également un praticien de la Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise avec plus de 30 ans d'expérience.

La Fondation Acupuncture Now Soutient l'Aiguilletage Vert

We here at Acufast Needles are excited to share with you an endorsement of our efforts to reduce needle waste in our profession and our give back to Nature tree planting program. The Acupuncture Now Foundation has worked tirelessly to provide practitioners with resources to help them promote acupuncture [...]


Dites non à l'Acu-Trash ! L'histoire d'Acufast

As practitioners of TCM, our health model is closely linked to Nature and its myriad systems of inter-relationships. Thus, it is understandable that you may feel a pang of guilt at the end of the day when you look at the waste produced from needling. I know, I did [...]


Faites Connaissance avec Acufast - Vidéo

Acufast is a revolutionary acupuncture needle! You’re an acupuncture practitioner, and you care about your patients and the planet. That’s why we developed a revolutionary new solution that is the most environmentally low-impact acupuncture needle on the market. High-quality acupuncture needles coupled with biodegradable packaging, reduced [...]


La réduction des déchets d'acupuncture est désormais possible grâce à des aiguilles d'acupuncture respectueuses de l'environnement !

Multiple studies on acupuncture have proven the use of a thin solid needle to be an effective technique for the reduction of pain and stimulation of the immune system. The increase in popularity of acupuncture has resulted in a corresponding increase in acu-waste. With more than 10 million acupuncture sessions [...]
